Prof Mike Y.J. Tan

Prof Mike Y.J. Tan

Dr Mike YJ Tan is Professor of Applied Electrochemistry and Corrosion Technologies at Deakin University Australia. He is also a NACE Fellow, and Program Leader of the Energy Pipelines Cooperative Research Centre (EPCRC). He is the author of some 200 referred publications and 150 industry reports to date. His work over the past two decades spanned the range from fundamental study on issues such as electrochemical heterogeneity and corrosion science, and applied research on issues such as corrosion testing and monitoring, localised corrosion prediction, corrosion inhibition and anti-corrosion coatings and cathodic protection, to industry engagement and contracted research on issues such as pitting corrosion of internal oil pipeline and coating of external gas pipeline, as well as corrosion of desalination pipeline weldments. He is also the Asia Pacific Editor for the Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology. Dr Tan has made substantial contributions to electrochemical methods for corrosion testing and monitoring. He is also a NACE Fellow that was given ‘in recognition of distinguished contributions in the field of corrosion and its prevention’. Specifically, Mike’s fellowship recognises his work developing a technology which can detect localised corrosion – which can occur in and on pipelines. In technical terms: for the development of an electrochemically integrated multielectrode array, namely the wire beam electrode method and its applications for localized corrosion and inhibitor studies. Some details can be found in an invited research book (Y.J. Tan, 2013, Heterogeneous Electrode Processes and Localized Corrosion, John Wiley & Sons Inc., USA, 246pp).

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